
Tips to make your App rank high in App Store and Google Play Store

The higher your app ranks in an app store's search results, the more visible, Here are a few tips for App store optimization for your app.

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Ranking higher is everyone’s dream, especially when you are in the cutthroat competition of mobile apps Development. 

To be honest, it isn’t really easy to get there, there are a lot of elements which could get you there, many mobile app development companies use these elements for App store optimization and actually improvise them to do better than the competition.

So, before we know what makes your appstore rank high, let’s discuss about things that are keeping your app from ranking high. 

Well, you might’ve come across a lot of blogs or articles suggesting to use the relevant key words, before launching an app you need to make sure you are targeting the right key words.

This is the only reason most of the higher ranking apps are where they are, whether it’s on App Store or Play Store.

And there are a lot of popular apps with relevant keywords and still did not rank high, making you wonder what went wrong there?

Have you ever analyzed the keywords ranking post your app launch?

Well analyzing and researching the keywords is not a one-time process, it just doesn’t work that way, it is an ongoing process.

Because the app store’s search algorithm changes from time to time depending upon the user searches.
new applications will be published each day with the same keywords that you have also used, which changes the ranking strategies.

Also if your competitors are changing or updating their keywords they are definitely way ahead of you in terms of ranking.

So you know what you should be doing now, you need to boost your app’s ranking, it is vital for you to keep testing and experimenting with keywords on regular basis.

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Ranking and Positive reviews
This is one most reason for your application not ranking high because they don’t have enough positive reviews and ratings.

Ratings and reviews are not just for sales purposes but also essential for ranking, for ranking high in an App store, it is not just sufficient to have abundant reviews, but freshness and relevance of ranking also play an important role.

Your app could be failing to receive any reviews or even if you receive any review it could be negative, in both cases, it will harm your ranking.

How do you overcome these cases?

If your app is failing to receive reviews only whether positive or negative, the best thing you can do is Ask! Encourage your app users to leave reviews, send in notifications timely to drop a review or rate your app, and yes don’t be annoying.

Okay! So what if you get a lot of negative feedback?

According to a survey, more than half of the single or two stars are because of the performance issues, now you know what to do.

Increase your performance, fix the bug issues and release a glitch-free update.

Fixing them could get your users to change their mind. Ask for a new review after an update, a new positive review from those same users will lead to higher visibility and higher ranking in app stores.

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Right name!
It may not sound important, but I know you must be thinking if I’m being serious.

Damn, right I am! Your app’s name plays a key role in your app’s ranking.

It’s the first thing app store’s search engine takes into account when a user enters a search query.

This requires your app title to incorporate a dominant keyword which has a low level of competition, doesn’t mean you choose a random funky name, you need to have a high level of relevance with the subject of your app.

Let me tell you this, apps which have a title including keywords rank 20% higher than the ones which don’t include keywords.

You know what you can change your apps name and but don’t do it often, once is what I recommend or maybe twice if you still didn’t get success.

And yes don’t forget to leave a notification or an email for the already existing users.

Including keywords in your app icon and name will improve its visibility major app stores which in turn will perk up your downloading rate and if more people are downloading your app, your app store optimization package ranking will significantly improve.

Now! Let’s get back to how can you improve your ranking.

One of the important things to do is to get your app indexed, how do you do that?

Google App indexing is a system that allows you or a user to click on listing in Google search results into app store optimization best practices android app store optimization or iOS smartphones. 

Although the word “app” can include web-based applications offered as a service, most people think of apps as mobile downloaded apps that people download and install. Google understands that.

As a result, Google now includes an “app Pack” at the top of the mobile search results. You can see it if you open up the browser on your smartphone and search for example a “Dating App”. And the results are shown as below.

App Store Optimization


The app pack will include between one and six apps. If more than six apps match the search query, Google will display an arrow at the bottom of the pack so that users can view the rest of the results.

Google offers a good amount of info about each app in the pack, in addition to displaying the app image and title, the app pack also shows the app rating and price.

Users who click on the app square are taken to the store where they can download and install the app.

The app pack knows whether it has to redirect to the Google Play store or the iOS app store.

Another factor which plays a major role in higher ranking is the ASO.

ASO is App Store Optimization, clearly, explains why it’s so important.

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So how to do an app store Optimization?

Basically, ASO is the process of optimizing mobile app rank checker higher in an app store’s search results. The higher your ranker app store’s search results, more is the visibility of the app to your potential customers, as simple as that.

The goal of ASL is to drive more traffic to your app’s page in the app store, so the user can take a specific or desired action on it, which is obviously downloading your app.

ASO is important for your app, as SEO is a website. More exposure you get more downloads you would be having at the end of the day.

As your app store optimization keyword volume estimator guide, here are some tips for improving your ASO.

There are two key factors

One is the Title
We’ve already discussed that a keyword in your title will always give you more chances of ranking higher, so you need to keep that in mind while naming your app page.

And the other is Keywords

Yes, from the title to the description to the content in your app, keywords as very important in ASO, it could be either app store optimization google play or iOS app optimization, keywords always play an important role, as mentioned earlier keep updating them it’s not a onetime thing.

Secondary factors for ASO are

Total no of downloads

Now that our gut feelings been proven with data, what can you do to get more downloads for your app Improving your ASO is a great place to start.

Since we are already on it, beyond that it is about marketing your brand and app to improve recognition, awareness, and appeal, from app store description to images, ratings/reviews, and social media presence.

Ratings and reviews

We have already spoken about strategies to improve app ratings and reviews earlier; I’m not going to stretch much about it again.

Alright! Now that you know what is ASO, time to know the tools used for ASO.

Before we do that, you need to know the different functions of ASO tools.

Keyword Trackers

Keyword trackers do what their name suggests yes they track the performance of the keywords which are trending on top Indian apps and web pages.

ASO companies track your set keywords, when they’re used in app store pages and how those apps perform.

Most of these platforms i.e. ASO companies, suggest you the correct keywords to be used in your app based on what the current trends are.

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App Store Data Platforms

There is a lot to ASO than just keyword optimization, ASO companies are trying to make sense of the mass of data that comes out with iTunes and Google Play.

From reports on the top new apps and how they got to the top to tracking user reviews by app version, the tools offered are extremely useful.

Some of the platforms also have a free level to their pricing plan so you can try before you buy.

What are all the ASO tools available for us currently?

I am listing some of the best tools used by the top ASO companies, in giving the best results. Mind you the list is not in the ranking order, rather it’s just a random list of the best ASO tools.

• App Annie
• SensorTower
• SearchMan
• MobileAction
• AppTweak

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App Annie
App Annie is one of the most popular ones in this list, not that other are popular but this tops in every developers list, it is an app analytics and app market data platform for developers and marketers.
It delivers the most trusted app data and insights for your business to succeed in the global app economy.
Features: Key word tracking and competitor tracking, advanced SEO search filters, and also analyses an app’s keyword rankings.

Availability: Google Play Store and iOS App Store.

Price: Free on both platforms, but you need to subscribe for premium features.

Sensor Tower is a leading solution for mobile marketers, app developers, and industry analysts who demand competitive insights on the mobile market economy, the app store optimization tool’s accurate data and tracking functions help improve your app’s visibility in the app store, while the keyword translation feature translates your keywords into multiple languages to increase your app downloads in other countries.

Features: it’s features include check app rankings in India, keyword optimization, keyword translation, download and revenue estimation and also competitor tracking.

Availability: Available on both iOS and Android platforms.

Price: starts from $79 onwards.

Search Man
Search Man offers a self-serve big data tool to help developers boost their app’s visibility in app stores. It helps you get data-driven keyword suggestions and push updates to improve search rankings and increase downloads and quick get a sense of an application’s discoverability from the search visibility score.

Features: It offers features like track search rankings, discovers and optimizing keywords, check visibility scores, access app market research for free.

Availability: Available on both iOS and Android platforms.

Price: Basic options are free and options like ASO tool start from $25 per month.

Mobile Action
Mobile Action offers options like getting competitor rankings, app download and revenue insights and makes informed ASO decisions to increase your organic downloads.

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Features: User-friendly dashboard, competitor tracking, and recommendation actions

Availability: Available on both iOS and Android platforms.

Price: App analytics is free and options like ASO tool start from $39 per month.

App Tweak
Apptweak is an app store optimization platform that helps developers increase their app rankings and downloads and delivers ASO recommendations through personalized app marketing reports to help you boost the number of downloads of your app. And, you can optimize and localize your keywords in six languages including English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Spanish.

Features: Personalized reports, support for 60 countries, Keyword selection, and competitor tracking and comparisons.

Availability: Available on both iOS and Android platforms.

Price: they provide a free trial for a week and services start from 29 Euros per month.

Let’s dig a bit into the details, shall we?

So, how do you optimize Google Play Store listings for ASO?

Expand Your Audience

Expanding your application's reach extends beyond merely integrating innovative features; it necessitates rendering it accessible to a worldwide audience, thereby breaking down language barriers and cultural differences. 

To effectively localize your application for diverse languages and regions and thus truly globalize your product, consider the following comprehensive strategies:

  • Content Localization: Go beyond simple translation by adapting your application's content, metadata, and user interface to accommodate multiple languages. This involves not just direct translation but also the adaptation of idiomatic expressions and culturally relevant content to effectively engage users in their native language.

  • Audience Analysis: Deeply understand each target region's cultural norms, preferences, and expectations. This means tailoring your application not just at a surface level but integrating cultural nuances that resonate with local users, thereby making your application more appealing and user-friendly.

  • Professional Translation Services: Engage human translators through reputable agencies to ensure translations of the highest quality that reflect linguistic nuances and cultural subtleties. Although quick and economical, machine translations often need to catch up when it comes to accurately conveying meaning in a culturally relevant manner.

  • Comprehensive Testing: Carry out thorough tests on the application to ensure that its functionality is optimal in all language versions. These procedures are undertaken to test the translation accuracy, cultural appropriateness, and technical functionality, which is to check the smooth operation of the application in different locales.

  • Continuous Feedback Loop: A reliable mechanism for gathering and checking input from users in different regions should play a major role in developing ongoing enhancements. The feedback, in this case, is very useful for detecting problems particular to some languages or cultures, and thus, it refines the localization process in the long run.

Localizing your application widens your market reach and significantly amplifies user engagement and satisfaction. The significance of meticulous translations, cultural adjustments, and targeted user experience design is paramount. These efforts markedly enhance user satisfaction and elevate the application's reviews, improving its rankings across regional digital distribution platforms and ultimately driving global success.

User Experience

User Experience (UX) is critical for your application's success on the Play Store. A meticulously designed, user-friendly application attracts a wider audience and compels them to share positive feedback and ratings. Consider these fundamental elements:

  • Intuitive Navigation: Guarantee seamless app navigation. Implement clear labeling, logical progression, and streamlined menus to improve user engagement.

  • Rapid Loading Times: Enhance your application's efficiency to ensure swift loading and optimal functionality. Applications that load slowly can deter users, potentially resulting in unfavorable reviews.

  • Sophisticated Visuals: Employ high-quality images and consistent branding to create a visually appealing interface.

  • Accessibility: Enhance your application's accessibility for users with disabilities through screen readers, adaptable text sizes, and alternative input methods.

  • User Feedback and Continuous Updates: Integrating user feedback through regular updates is vital for maintaining a superior user experience. To cultivate a devoted user base, promptly address user concerns and demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction.

Adhering to these principles will position your application as a leader in the Play Store, underscoring your brand's commitment to excellence and user satisfaction.

A perfect way to Optimize Google play is? Yes, it’s the Keywords again. Since you’re already aware of it let’s just skip this part. But improving conversion rate to install your app and drive organic downloads also play an equally important part in optimizing Google Play Store.

Okay! Let’s just take a close look at the anatomy of the perfect Google Play Store optimization listings:


A URL is a first and foremost thing you need to think about because once set, you cannot modify it later. In Google Play Store, same as in the Google web search, keywords included in the domain/URL act as a strong ranking factor for app search.

 app store Optimization

It’s quite visible in the picture how keywords in the URL help pop up your app right on top.
Name of the Developer

An app ranks higher when the name of the developer is mentioned. Besides that, Google favors apps from a developer with a positive history and ranks them higher on searches. 

There is a simple tip you need to follow, try adding keywords in the developer name, for example: “#DeveloperName: Keyword + Keyword”.

how to do an App Store Optimization

Title of Your App
The title of your app in Google Play Store is another important ASO on metadata factor to keep in mind. It affects, above all, the search results, but as well the conversion rate to install.

50 Characters are allowed to write a title in Google App Store, so you need to use them wisely.
• Keep the brand name short
• Make it easy to spell and easy to remember
• Include short and most relevant keywords.

Use these three rules while writing your title you are good to go!

And also you need to remember that you can add one title in each language to localize your app. Don’t ignore localizing your app title. Apps can be accessed globally so your app could be a great success in one country and may not be the same in other.

Let me give you some templates for titles.
• Keyword – Brand
• Keyword: Brand
• Brand: Keyword
• Brand – Keyword

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App Store Optimization

Short Description and Description

Let’s start with the short one, it should be eye-catching of course and the secret is it has a strong effect on the ASO in keywords ranking and conversion rate.

80 characters are allowed for the short description, so you need to be wise in choosing your words for description. Using of core words related to the app is definitely a plus point, use keywords describing the best features of the app and an emoji will always catch an eye.

App Store Optimization

The description part is definitely most important because it is an on-metadata factor that is responsible for search and conversion. In this field, you have to include all the keywords of your app, combined with a powerful Call-to-Action.

The description serves the purpose to improve your app’s position in the Google Play Store search algorithm, so it has to searchable. And secondly, it helps to convince your potential users to install your app, so it has to be actionable.

Google has given more than enough characters to write about your app, a 4000 words description will fit all the keywords you want to for sure. Unlike iOS, Google indexes all the content of your app  description and it helps with ASO.

App Description

The Icon is equally important when it comes to visually attracting a user, actually, it is the first visual impact that your app will have to the user.

An essence of your application. Right after making the search, the first thing which gives identity to your app is the ICON. You need to have an Icon which makes the users want to click.

A striking and eye catcher is what you will be needing and nothing more to be said on this
Below are the specifications for the icon on Play Store.
• 32-bit PNG
• Dimensions: 512px by 512px
• Max file size: 1MB

Icon - ASO Tips

Feature graphic
A feature graphics could be a video or an image which will play an important role in your conversion rate.
Generally, a game or a video streaming app contains video as a feature graphics displaying the key features of the app, you can add a picture which is already available on YouTube or adds a video file directly.

App Store Optimization Guide


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Like the icon and feature graphics, the screenshots don’t affect the search algorithm, but they do have an impact on the conversion rate to install your app.

Screenshots show the internal look of the app and its best features and highlights, it is then up to the user to decide if he wants it.

A maximum of 8 screenshots are allowed to display, which I think is a decent number.

Here are a few screenshots from SoundCloud displaying their best features in the app, one of the best music apps available right now, and one of my favorites too.

Screenshots Apps

The screenshots above are of two different pages, but see how they join to make a cool single page structure.

If your app is not doing well, it’s time to re-evaluate it. Surely optimization is a time taking process but it will only benefit you at the end of the day, consider all of the points mentioned above and using the tools mentioned will surely be a help. Happy Optimizing folks!

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Frequently Asked Questions


1. How do I rank on the Google Play store?

Getting an app ranked on Google Play Store is a bit tricky but if you attain a position over there, your app will be in a win-win situation. To obtain the same, you need to keep a few major ASO tips in mind. Given below are the tips -

  • In-depth and proper keyword research
  • Win the naming battle by choosing a unique app name
  • Try to use the main keywords in the app title
  • Put a searchable description that exactly defines the app
  • Reap the advantage by distributing a promo video
  • Launch the app in the appropriate category
  • Put engaging and functional screenshots to describe the app
  • Drive user engagement through reviews

2. What is the ASO tool?

ASO (App Store Optimization) is the planned practice to market an app on different app stores and ASO tools are the best sources that help app marketers carry out app marketing strategy. The tools not only provide a well-thought strategy but also play a crucial role in increasing an app’s visibility on all the app stores.

The most used and reliable ASO tools you can go with are -

  • App Annie
  • PreApps
  • Yodel Mobile
  • Sensor Tower

3. How do I find keywords for ASO?

Every app is unique and functions differently but still, it must have been inspired by any of the competitor’s ideas. Therefore, it’s mandatory that you follow your competitors’ keyword strategy to optimize the product for better search results.

You can make this happen by using any of the ASO tools like Sensor Tower or App Annie. All you need to do is to search the competitors’ app and navigate towards the keywords to know what are the major keywords the app is ranking for.

4. How do I optimize keywords in the app store?

If you’re planning to optimize your app for app stores, keywords are crucial that play a significant role. Keyword optimization in app stores can be done by -

  • Making a long list of all the potential keywords
  • Shortlist the best that have higher volume and relevancy
  • Start putting your keywords to title, name and app description

5. How do you rank an app?

To get your app indexed and optimized on app stores, you need to first bring your app to the “app pack” category where users can easily find and install your app. But this strategy doesn’t work alone as you’ll have to choose and use the right keywords for your app advertisement. While inserting the high-rank keywords, make sure to use those keywords in title and description. For further app optimization, you can also grab visitors’ attention towards positive reviews posted by other users.

6. How can I improve my app ranking?

To get your app featured and ranked on Google Play Store and Apple App Store, you need to emphasize your focus on the below factors-

  • App title should be unique and optimized for competitiveness
  • Description of the app should include high volume keywords
  • Ask users to post reviews and ratings for the app
  • Download rate optimization through A/B testing

These are the proven factors that can help optimize your app to rank high on different app stores.

7. How do I get App Store to optimize?

You don’t need to implement a rocket science to get app store optimization done rather, you can start the execution by -

  • Using a unique and descriptive title
  • Using shortlisted keywords wisely and efficiently
  • Preparing a crisp yet informative description for your app
  • Using high-quality screenshots to provide a better idea to the users
  • Adding the proposed app’s preview video
  • Picking the right app category
  • Emphasizing more on icon design UI design
  • Encouraging positive reviews from users

8. How much does app store optimization cost?

App store optimization android  techniques requires a lot of tasks to be executed keenly by app marketers. They are responsible for analyzing competitors’ app ranking, download rates and revenue insights that help them further make important decisions to increase their app’s organic traffic. App optimization and analytics on Google Play and the Apple App Store are free of cost but, when it comes to opting ASO intelligence, you might ask to pay for a subscription of $39 per month.

9. How do I improve my app rating?

Experienced app marketers have made a list of certain tips that are valuable for an app to achieve great user attention. The ASO tips list says that to get desired app promotion results, you have to -

  • Build a great product
  • Consistently improve it to attain quality engagement
  • Ask users proactively for reviews but in a polite way
  • Quickly identify your most targeted and engaged users
  • Also, ask them to rate your app in true manners
  • Portray the benefits of ratings for users
  • Remove or keep the negative reviews away from your app’s page
  • Implement A/B testing

10. How do you SEO an app?

Just like any other web SEO strategy, an app also requires a well-planned marketing strategy based on competitive keyword research. To attain the best results for app promotion, you need to first find the right keywords that match your product and have the high search volumes to take the app on the top of app store search optimization.

11. How do I increase my ranking on the Google Play store?

Expecting a fool-proof app store optimization strategy is good but to achieve the same, you’ll have to make unfailing ASP strategies that you can attain by -

  • Understanding your target customers and competitive market
  • Selecting and inserting the right set of keywords
  • Choose a suitable yet distinct app name
  • Prepare informative short and long app descriptions
  • Check and ask for app ratings
  • Put clear and high-quality screenshots and promo video
  • Localize your app to get enhanced response rates
  • Simultaneously analyze app uninstall rates

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