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Why does enterprise mobility solutions become so popular?

Enterprise Mobility has changed the way organizations use to work with their employees. It provides your organization with a set of useful technologies.

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

In this digital world, you now have the technology to enable your employees to use mobile devices securely.  With the new Enterprise Mobility Solution with AI, your employees will experience the best user interface.

Enterprise Mobility has changed the way organizations use to work with their employees. It provides your organization with a set of technologies and services for enterprise mobility management. 

Gone are the days when employees used to contact management or check notice boards for each query. Today, with the help of Enterprise Mobility they can interface with management. They can also get the correct data/products on the go.  All these regardless of whether they are in the workplace or at home. 

We all know that the large-scale flow of mobile devices in recent years has changed fundamental ideas about employee activity. It has also changed the business dimensions and the way organization and employees work. 

The rapid growth of business mobility, because of increased staff mobility. Various concepts like BYOD which is also known as Bring Your Own Device are promoted on a huge scale. 

Technology is growing day by day and this competition is also growing. Now, organizations need to plan strategies that guarantee harmony between the convenience of utilizing cell phones and the reliability and security of the network operation of the companies. 

This article I’m going to tell you the concept of Enterprise Mobility Solution and the advantages that it will provide to your organization. 

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Business Mobility is the future 

Today, devices and applications have enabled the individuals to choose when, where, and how they will work. 

With the rise of smartphones and gadgets and with the improvement of the range and speed of wireless networks, remaining productive while being in touch with the employees and organization from anywhere in the world is possible now.

The dynamics of the enterprise are advancing with the times of progress. Time has come when multinationals and business enterprises will have enterprise mobility solutions into their hierarchical framework for a consistent work process. 

The entire thought behind enterprise mobility solution is to build the degree of comfort for workers, which in result will expand their profitability in a positive and conducive condition.

If you are thinking of developing a future-ready enterprise application then that task can be a difficult assignment. Particularly in a case that you are a non-technical organization.

So, I will suggest to you that before the development of a new enterprise mobility solution, you need to understand its use and benefits for your business. This will help you in selecting the best one for your business mobility. 

Did you know that today, enterprise mobility is an ultimate expansion of capabilities of Information and Technology? 

Enterprise Mobility Service includes the services that permit organizations to function and work anywhere and their preferable time away from their offices. This provides you operational excellence and productivity, this is the reason enterprise mobility is significant and turning into the core part of any mobile strategy of organizations.

Keeping all things in mind, we will discuss the benefits of Enterprise Mobility Solution, which is the future of your business later, but before that let’s understand Enterprise Mobility Management.


Enterprise Mobility Management

Management of data and information is very essential for any organization. EMM is a software that enables organizations to provide their employees with secure use of mobile devices and applications. 

Devices and applications help employees to remain more productive by providing them the data and application they need to do their job at their best. In fact, you can say that Enterprise Mobility Management is the part of Mobile Device Management that focuses completely on device-level security and control. 

The objective of the Enterprise Mobility Service is to decide to include mobile information technology with work objectives and processes. Also, how to help employees when they are utilizing these gadgets in the work environment.

According to a survey in Kietzmann’s “Mobility at work: A typology of mobile communities of practice and contextual ambidexterity”, about 2/3rd of the smartphone phones users rely on their personal devices for work-related activities. 

So, if a large variety of operating systems and devices are supported in that case, major issues like cost and security can arise. 

With the growing number of gadgets at work, the profitability of companies has expanded by 34%. Representatives are working an extra 240 hours every year. 

Also, 53% of employees accept that enterprise mobility has made things simpler for them. Organizations have seen critical development rates and different advantages, and now reports propose that organizations have put $ 61 billion in enterprise mobile application development in 2018.

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Security is very essential in Enterprise Mobility Service. Information and other valuable data on devices is not secured since cell phones are lost easily. So the job of EMM (which is a set of instructions) is to stop any unapproved access to big business applications and/or corporate information on cell phones. 

These may incorporate encryption, secret passwords and/or remote wipe technology, which permits administrators to erase all information from an unwanted device. 

Security policies with various systems can easily be enforced and centrally managed. 

Such MDM are customized to help and support APIs or in other words application programming interfaces from different devices, makers to expand security consistency.

Let’s now talk about 3 types of Enterprise Mobility Management that ensure that your business data is accessible to your employees but still secured in case of theft. So, to ensure that you pick the right one for your business, we will discuss these three Enterprise Mobility Management Solutions. 

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Types of Enterprise Mobility Management Solutions

In this part, we will get to know about the three types of Enterprise Mobility solutions.

Types of Enterprise Mobility

Types of Enterprise Mobility

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

MDM is a methodology based on software that maintains policies to secure application download, network access and use, administration use, and gadget security. 

In other words, you can say that Mobile device management (MDM) is a kind of security programming that IT office utilizes to manage, monitor and make employee’s mobile devices secure(workstations, cell phones, tablets, and so on.), are deployed on many operating systems and mobiles. 

The important work of MDM is to enable companies to grasp IT trends, including Bring Your Own Device and guaranteeing the security of corporate data of the organization IT equipment and software policies.

In the domain of enterprise mobility, the job of MDM is as per the following:

  • By enabling anytime anywhere work, it is enhancing the work flexibility and productivity.
  • Enterprise Mobility Solution provides secure data access to the owner of the device so that it can’t be misused. 
  • It ensures the complete security of Information Technology infrastructure for both Bring Your Own Device and the devices owned by the company both externally and internally.   
  • So, we can say that Mobile Device Management has now become an important part of Enterprise Mobility Solution.  

Let’s now discuss Enterprise Mobility Management in which we will discuss how it enables the employees of the organization to securely use mobile and application. 

Mobile Application Management (MAM)

Mobile application management implements strategy control function and management for the application, after which the EMM console manages them. 

This ability is required when the operating system of the device like Android or iOS doesn’t give the essential management capability or when a company decides not to introduce the MDM profile on the device. 

There are two fundamental types of mobile application management:

1. Application Extensions 

It uses wrapping or SDK which is known as the Software Development Kit for applying the policies to the apps. It is required when necessary management ability is not provided by the operating system and when the company denies installing an MDM agent. 

2. Pre-Configured Applications 

This includes a secured PIM which is known as a personal information manager for the management of calendar, mails, and contact and also includes a browser provided by EMM or 3rd party service provider. 

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Mobile Content Management (MCM)

With the help of Mobile Content Management, you can manage your content from anywhere and at any time with the help of their mobile devices. There is a total of these fundamental roles of mobile content management:

    1. Content Push

Documents are delivered on a push basis. The main job of content push is to send the user alerts for the new documents, control the version of the document and to notify about the content expiration. 

  1. Secure Content

This helps users in storing the document or content at a safe place and this is a client-side application. Policies like file sharing, authentication, and restriction of the copy are enforced by EMM. 


There are three primary sources from where content comes, these are Admin or Employee Push Content, Email, and back-end content. 

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The Key Benefits of Enterprise Mobility Management

This is a common question that most of you will ask “What are some of the key capabilities of enterprise mobility management solutions?” 

With the introduction to Bring Your Own Device, Enterprise Mobility Management enters the game. 

Enterprise mobility management solutions permit organizations to monitor their cell phones and guarantee that they are being utilized securely. I have accumulated various features that must be included for any EMM solution.  Each enterprise mobility management tool deserving at least some respect will incorporate these core abilities!

Benefits of Enterprise Mobility Solution

Benefits of Enterprise Mobility Solution

Here are some of the benefits of Enterprise Mobility Management: 

  • End to End security for mobile devices

With the help of good enterprise mobility management, you can deploy cybersecurity at a consistent level across the devices. 

In Bring Your Own Device, you can install and endpoint security in the employees in their devices. 

The identity of the device will enable the Information Technology department to regularly monitor the behavior of devices.  Also, IT teams can limit access to target devices with the help of enterprise mobility management.

  • Prevention of Data Loss 

One of the biggest advantages of enterprise mobility is that it provides an end to end mobile security. It also provides corporate data loss prevention and mitigation. 

It enables your employees to deal with these threats. With the help of a device locator, you can find your stolen device and also you can wipe out all the sensitive corporate data that was on your mobile. 

  • Enterprise Mobility Solutions increase productivity

The productivity of users or employees increases when they have full control over their devices. If they have their own device, they will have more familiarity and experience which they will not find in the device issued by a company. 

  • Mobile Content Management

With the help of enterprise mobility tools, an employee can efficiently manage the content with security. Secure storage is used in EMM where the sensitive data is stored. 

  • Reduced Cost 

The overall cost reduction for your Enterprise is one of the key benefits that you can understand for enterprise mobility management. Centrally, EMM facilitates the outcome of your BYOD culture by allowing its employees to pay for their own equipment. 

  • Cross-platform enterprise mobility service 

When we build any application, it is very important to note that the application can run on any platform.  Our enterprise application designers are exceptionally energetic and develop applications for different platforms, for example, Android, iPhone and Windows and so forth. 

Cross-platform applications save your time as well as give significant revenue. This is the reason most organizations are inclining toward the development and building of cross-platform EMM.

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Enterprise Mobility Solutions 

Here, I will discuss with you the various types of Enterprise Mobility solutions that are available. 

Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Enterprise Mobility Solutions


SaaS Application 

SaaS is the most dependable cloud-based platform. It is used to offer a wide scope of exceptionally robust and scalable cloud business solutions.

Whether you’re managing 1000 users or 100000 users or you are dealing with average or poor customer experience or you are building a subscription-based model, SaaS Application solutions can fulfill your objective. 

Web Application 

Give your business a long-term successful partnership for web monetization strategy. Make good customer relationships with a well-planned execution. Provide the right DevOps tools and principles to your business, so that the task of creating and maintaining web applications does not turn into a nightmare.

Mobile Application 

We all know the importance of mobile applications today. So, remain ahead in your business by taking advantage of a huge customer base available on both android and iOS. 

Today not only B2C businesses are using mobile applications, but also B2B is also taking advantage of services, operations, and solutions across the industry. 

Tablet Application 

Tablets also play a significant part and give excellent opportunities to client monetization and engagement. Remarkable designs and technical skills can do a good level of customization to suit the requirements of the business. As per the requirements, you can develop or upgrade applications. 

Now we will find out the sectors where Enterprise Mobility is mostly used.


Enterprise Mobility Solution for various industries

Enterprise Mobility is now an integral part of business functions. It empowers its employees and clients to remain connected anywhere at any time. Here are some of the industries where EMM has become very popular: 

  1. Education 
  2. Healthcare 
  3. Manufacturing 
  4. Telecom Service Provider 
  5. Energy and Utilities 
  6. Logistics and Transportation 
  7. Banking and Financial 
  8. Retail and FMCG
  9. Insurance 
  10. Fashion and Lifestyle 

Top trending applications of EMS 

Here are some of the trending applications of enterprise mobility of various fields: 

  1. Mobile Phone Tracking
  2. Vehicle Tracking
  3. SalesForce Automation
  4. Field Force Automation
  5. Customer Relationship Management
  6. Secure Mobile Banking
  7. Content Rendering
  8. Direct Store Delivery
  9. Mobile Security Force Management
  10. Delivery Order Management
  11. Location-based Solutions

Now we will see some interesting statistics that you will like. 

Statistics on Enterprise Mobility Management 

  • By 2020,  the Enterprise Mobility market will touch $430 billion in revenue. 
  • Enterprise Mobility is a need for an organization told by approximately 5% of industries. 
  • In the coming 3-4 years, around 5.60% of organizations will incorporate Enterprise Mobility in their workplace. 
  • 47% of offices saw an improvement in their communication, bringing about better connections and fewer disputes within the workplace environment. 
  • Enterprise Mobility Application helps in saving approximately 250 hours, which equates to around 6 extra working days. 
  • With the help of Enterprise Mobility Application around 59% of laborers in the US worked for more than 9 to 5 shifts. 
  • 77% of owners shared that the market for enterprise applications has developed in the past couple of years. 
  • An increase of 19.23% in consumer loyalty. 
  • 39% of workers admit that they are utilizing enterprise mobility solutions because of effectiveness efficiencies.


I was able to cover all the important points of Enterprise Mobility Solution in this article. This article covered all the topics like enterprise mobility solutions and its benefits, types and its use in various sectors and industries. It can now be concluded that enterprise mobility solutions are turning into an important element of the organization. 

They are urging enterprises to treat their employees with the correct resources and insights, and in this way engage them to add more benefits to the business.

Enterprise mobility is now bigger and wider than wireless gadgets, as it will prompt a new reality where every enterprise productively advances into the new order. 

While picking the correct methodology for your organization, the security characteristics and deployment capability of the application are two of the most significant variables. Moreover, device support and combination with existing frameworks must be implemented.

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