
The Hourly Model of Hiring Resources: All That You Need to Know

Avail true value for money by hiring developers on an hourly basis. Find answers to all your questions related to the hourly model here.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Offshore engagement models are becoming increasingly popular with companies who need varied software development services and wish to delegate work on the basis of priority.

Choosing an offshore model gives you the advantage of procuring skilled and experienced resources who dedicatedly work on your project without you facing the issues of having permanent employees on your payroll.

The type of an engagement model depends on the business requirement and budget of the client.

The ideal engagement models turn out to be those that provide flexibility to both the parties i.e. client and developer.

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Hourly Model is a type of engagement model wherein you as a client can hire our resources on the basis of fixed hours to work on your development project.

Here the work is done based on an hourly pay rate that has been agreed upon.

The rate would be inclusive of all the resources working on your project and hence ensures full dedication of the team.

The hourly model offers a series of benefits that fixed rate doesn’t touch upon.

One advantage of adopting this approach is that it provides and establishes a clear link among particular tasks and the related rate quoted.

When the billing is done on the basis of time, you can control the entire time slot and choose to get work done as per priority ensuing guaranteed work that is rich in quality.

Furthermore, you can easily identify the tasks which are causing the project budget to go overboard.

There are several advantages of the Hourly Model which you can benefit from:

  1. Hourly basis payment: The cost of the project is calculated on the basis of per hour rather than a fixed cost.
  2. Tracking: You can track and gauge the task completion and observe how each hour is spent which results in guaranteed quality work.
  3. Periodic Delivery: The entire project is divided into smaller tasks which are allocated to the teams on a weekly/monthly basis.
  4. Periodic Reporting and Review: Hourly model presents the best opportunity for you to gauge the effectiveness of the project and review the performance of the team
  5. Approval: All the tasks are listed under a task sheet which is tracked regularly and is shared with you to track the work progress and give approval for tasks that are completed.

The hourly model works best for a business that has flexible and varied requirements.

Work can commence or end as required since this model enables you to add working hours till the project objective is achieved.

 NMG- Top Web Development Company Approved by Clutch

Based on your particular requirements we shall give our recommendations for the number of team members and with what kind of skill sets are actually needed for your project.

You may choose between hiring a single developer or hire a team of the developer, designer, and tester; it is your choice.

Time and Material

A project that is being worked upon on the basis of Time and Material model does not have the precise scope, specifications and implementation plans that are precisely defined or which need some amount of flexibility.

These projects are complicated, sometimes lengthy and are certainly prone to changes in terms of design or specifications midway of the project.

Here, we assign a designated team with a wide-ranging skill set to work on a particular project.

As the project advances in scope, the composition of the team may be changed in order to incorporate varied skill sets.

Work starts on the basis of certain preliminary specifications and includes a new set of specifications as provided by you which are resultant of project progress and advancement.

This model establishes the rates for two things, the rate for labor time and rate for direct materials used (such as hardware components, software, tools etc.).

The Time and Materials model often comes out to be expensive as compared to models.

Dedicated Team

A Dedicated team model somewhat resembles true employment scenario. It is similar to the working of Time and Materials model as well but distinguishes itself on the basis of dedicated resource hiring.

A dedicated resource is obtained from the pool of available professionals and he/she works exclusively on projects as specified by you.

Here the client most often the client books the resource and hours for a contract period, usually half-yearly or yearly. We will subsequently reserve the particular resource/s including equipment,

We will subsequently reserve the particular resource/s including equipment, tools, and management till the duration of the project.

This model offers the benefit of long-term outsourcing along with an efficient and established team who works as an extension branch of your own business.

This resource/s will work for you five days a week and eight hours per day.

Another benefit to be derived here is that this model offers most consistency which is required at the time of developing large projects with a greater amount of exposure.

 Methodology Undertaken

  1. Connect with our Consultant: Once you have submitted the Contact Form, one of our consultants will connect with you and discuss your specific requirements. You will be briefed about our working model and we will perform an in-depth analysis of your requirements.
  2. Choose your own Team: Once we know your requirements and business objectives, we will recommend our best-suited teams for your project. You can review their resumes and experience and also have detailed discussion calls with them as well to judge their aptitude and capability.
  3. Getting Started: Once the team is assigned, they will start their work on the basis of your guidance and assistance and under the able supervision of our in-house project manager. The consultant will work as your account manager during the course of the contract term.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Free Consultation: You will receive a free consultation from our Solution Architect that has a working experience of over 10 years with a Global clientele.
  2. Regular Communication: Our team will adjust their schedule to your time zone in the best possible manner to make sure there is ample overlap with your working hours. Project management tools such as Basecamp are utilized to track hours spent on tasks which are accessible by you at your convenience. You can also establish a connection with the team via Skype, VOIP, and Google Hangouts etc.
  3. Timesheets: Daily timesheets are created with a designated number of hours needed for each task. Work will commence once you give your nod to the sheet. All tasks and project activities are updated in the timesheet at all times with full access to you.
  4. Project Management: The project manager is in charge of monitoring the project tasks. The timesheets will be submitted to you by the project manager for payments. He/she is assigned to the project in order to supervise the team and ensure all tasks are delivered as per given timeline and requirement.
  5. Certified and Skilled Team: At NMG, all staff members are duly screened, trained and evaluated. Once you are satisfied with everything and wish to proceed further, we put the team directly under your control as it will work as an extension of your development team.
  6. Ownership: Once the project is completed, all the source files will be shared with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I hire a web development team?

There is a simple few steps process that helps you find and set the best web development team. The steps in the hiring process involve:

  • Knowing the business goals and requirements
  • Start looking for proficient developers
  • Ask your contacts to provide reliable references
  • Hire developers and designers who maintain a professional personality
  • Keenly look for the skills and experience they possess
  • Collect significant information for the selected candidates

2. Where can I hire a web developer?

Upwork, Guru, Toptal,, and Outsourcely are the platforms where you can create a buzz and find development professionals to accomplish your requirements. Apart from this, you can take a glimpse at Clutch and GoodFirms where the world’s best web development companies are ready to offer their talented professionals for hire.

3. How much does it cost to hire someone to build a website?

No one can clearly estimate the cost to develop a website as there are so many factors that need to be considered that sometimes may vary as per project requirements. For instance, if you wish to develop an eCommerce website, the store needs to be built with advanced search and product display functions that might consume much time and effort. All these reasons ultimately lead to a rising development cost.

4. How much does it cost to hire a website developer?

In general, a website developer costs around $25 to $100 per hour to develop a simple website. If the website has some complex functionality to be integrated, the cost might rise to some extent.

5. How can I find a good software developer?

Conducting an in-depth research over Toptal, UpWork, Clutch and GoodFirms can help you find the best software development professionals for your project. Further, you can also reach out to your professional contacts for some references that they think will fit for the defined requirements.

6. How much does it cost to hire a software developer?

Software developers are of different types and so their specialties and costs. So, the estimated cost that you can mostly encounter while hiring a software developer is $75 to $150 per hour. The price range is defined for those developers who are responsible for handling a variety of web development including API development and C/C++ development.

7. What do I need to know before hiring a web developer?

  • First of all, you have to be firm about your website priorities and goals
  • Instead of directly going around the Google search, ask your contacts for the best references
  • Select experienced candidates who maintain a track record for delivering quality projects to the clients
  • Ask for their pricing structure
  • Raise a question for the project completion duration
  • Check whether the company or the individual developer assures for the post-development support and maintenance

Besides these points, you can also raise some other points you consider would be beneficial for the hiring purpose.

8. Where can I find app developers?

The Internet is flooded with a lot of web development companies that claim to offer dedicated app developers at competitive prices. Also, there are numerous platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, Toptal, and UpWork where you can find bulk developers having knowledge and experience of building fast and scalable mobile apps.


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