
A guide to Laravel – Everything you need to know about Laravel

Laravel is the most popular open-source PHP framework designed for building web applications in 2022. Learn to develop web applications with the Laravel framework.

Estimated reading time: 17 minutes

Want to know how web applications are developed? Understand how Laravel is used for the development of web applications following the MVC pattern.

What makes a Laravel framework different from other PHP frameworks? Speed ​​and inventiveness for an amateur make Laravel different from other PHP Frameworks.


Laravel framework for web application development and its great ecosystem tools let you rapidly develop new applications and websites with perfect, intelligible code.

This is an open-source PHP framework, which anyone can download and use for free! Taylor Otwell a developer created Laravel intended for the development of web applications following MVC pattern.

The real potential of Laravel, lead to the creation of many Laravel Development Services who were able to create unassailable and advanced web applications.



What is Laravel?

Laravel is an application that is based on a PHP framework Laravel tutorial with an incredible API to accelerate your process of development. You can utilize it to streamline on a 3-page pamphlet site, which requires some good skills and tactics. Most websites with MVC designs are made by it; however, this may change depending upon your scenario of use.


Did you know that the PHP community widely accepts this framework?


When you are using Laravel, you can save time.

So, rather than designing and maintaining.  the structure of your application, you can concentrate on the main functionality you need to design.

Also the product structure, you design most likely won’t be as proper as Laravel

Taylor Otwell a developer created Laravel intended for the development of web applications following MVC pattern.


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Things to know abour Larvel

Things to know about Laravel

Why do we need Laravel?

Did you know that the Laravel Framework gives headway in the process of web development by removing complex code? 

Yes, that’s right with Laravel, you can do so many amazing things as there are a lot of dynamic features that have been included in this.

The reason for such a huge utilization of this framework is that it reduces the struggle of programming and web application can be developed in less time and with less effort.

It is a clean, perfect and classy PHP Laravel tutorial framework that has stunned the PHP community.

This has made the process of PHP development increasingly productive and secure, as it accelerates the development procedure by giving exceptionally secure validation tools and empowering effective utilization all around.

It offers free and incredibly lightweight designs that are simply created within the application. With more effective widgets made for CSS code and JS code, it creates a strong structure of the website design process.

Laravel Community

The community of Laravel is growing very fast and people are actively responding. Also, there are ‘n’ no of the solution to the queries and fixing the errors. Because of its in-built authentication, you don’t need to define the feature of authentication.

Let me put in some benefits which could help you understand the real potential of advanced web application development with Laravel.

Did you know that 82.7% of worldwide websites use PHP whose server-side programming language we know?


Learn more about PHP development.

Worldwide usage statistics of PHP MVC Laravel

There are more than 1,14,640 live websites made on Laravel

More than 3,46,000 till now.

Laravel is the Most popular Tech-stack for “the Entire Internet in Web App” category

It performs to a great extent in the area of customization; It is being utilized by a wide range of companies for the development of business


Features of Laravel

Laravel is developed to focus on smooth integration among simplicity and functionality. It’s very easy to understand small codes and in a fundamental, clean and elegant way.

In the initial stage, PHP engineers will be introduced with various segments of Laravel as it is the advancement of the PHP framework Laravel tutorial that has introduced it.


Features of Laravel

Features of Laravel

Laravel PHP Framework works with many special features including view format, validation, directing, getting the database, documenting, reserving and all that in very less time.


Let us understand some of the key features of Laravel:

#1. Authentication process

This feature permits site owners to rapidly include and enable authentication and approval and significantly streamline the usage of authentication.

Engineers would now be able to give remarkable solutions to their help.

#2. Support for MVC Architecture

The Laravel Framework uses an MVC architectural pattern that detaches and handles specific development features of any application built.

This methodology increases performance and enables developers to write clean and legible code, which helps in better documentation.

#3. Routing Systems

In the Laravel PHP Framework, the designer is offered a choice to pick which route to activate in the application as characterized in the application/courses/HTTP/PHP file and is consequently transferred by the Laravel Framework.

The route defining method acknowledges a URL and after which the user basically needs to embed the name of the topic and the right URL will be inserted automatically.

#4. Light-weight templates

By incorporating dynamic content seeding, impressive layouts by Laravel’s lightweight templates create simple and elegant web applications.

It also includes a large collection of widgets with solid structured CSS and JSS.

#5. Unit Testing

Now the unit testing feature ensures that no new changes will create an issue by running numerous tests.

Even though a considerable amount of time is needed in the development of the unit testing, it empowers the application to work.

#6. Object-Oriented Library

Laravel includes object-arranged libraries that are not found in some other PHP framework.

There is an authentication library that is included in one such library, which assists with several features, for example, checking active users, bcrypt hashing, password reset, cross-site request forgery, and encryption.

#7. Modularity

Laravel depends on more than 20 unique libraries that are self- categorized into independent single modules and permit designers to make modular, responsive and simple web applications.

 #8. Lean Development Services

I would rate this as the most exciting feature or benefit of the Laravel framework. Lumen a micro-frame, that works on the same principle of Laravel but a bit more focus on lean development.

It enables creating a micro fast. With integrated features at a minimal configuration, lumen helps you to migrate to Laravel’s full framework by just copying the code.

#9. Form Request

Laravel 5 has the feature of form request that serves as the basis for form input validation by internally binding event listeners, bringing about the automatic invocation of form validation strategies and generation of the real form.

There are a lot of other features that are not so unique but, an advantage in the Laravel framework benefits like incorporated authorization libraries, unit testing speed and being an extensible and modular framework.


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Why is Laravel popular?

Tasks that commonly take hours and several lines to write are possible with this Framework with a pre-built function in not more than a few minutes.

For instance, validation (social login integration), cache (to boost performance), etc. have just been introduced in the new installation of Laravel that has made development simpler, quicker and increasingly effective!

Scripting unit tests is a tedious task, however, the effort exhausted is certainly beneficial since software testing gives customers, a data about the quality of the product or service.

The Laravel test, luckily, is incorporated into the framework!

Designers don’t need to invest a lot of time examining top practices in creating and maintaining web applications and choosing how to implement everything appropriately since the Laravel Framework has detailed documentation.

You can discover different code snippets, courses, Laravel tutorial. In comparison to different frameworks, the Laravel Framework is welcoming and pleasing.


What are the benefits of Laravel?

Here in this section, I will let you know about the benefits that you will get in Laravel. We already have discussed the features of Laravel in the previous section so it will be easy to understand its benefits.  So let’s have a closer look at some of the benefits you will get.


Benifits of Laravel

Benefits of Laravel


#1. Easy Integration with Mail System

Users need to be notified through the mailing service for each section of activities performed by them or their connections.

It gets hard to envision an advanced framework without email integration for example if the user has login successfully into the system without getting email notices related to successful enlistment on the web- portal; This turned into the major stuff for a new user.

There is a “Swiftmailer” library in Laravel that gives simple, clean API designs for mail with individual accounts.

Laravel additionally gives drivers to Mailgun, Amazon SES, SMTP, SparkPost, Sendmail, Mandrill and PHP’s “mail” capacity which permits sending messages rapidly through cloud-based or local services.

In addition, Laravel also supports sending an email, which includes notifications on multiple delivery channels including SMS and Slack.

#2. Trending on Social Media

There are a lot of organizations that are quickly looking at Laravel tutorials because of its dynamic abilities and they are certainly getting an acceptable reaction to it, this has been proved over and over on Google Trends.

There are different stages where Laravel is outpacing different modalities by a decent edge of notoriety.

#3. Smooth Automation of testing work

Automatic testing is an old type of test that can characterize the performance ratio of the application and determine whether they perform well or with no bugs, crash, errors.

Automation of testing takes less time than manual testing since manual testing will pass by turn in each segment of code.

It accompanies built-in test functionalities; Support for testing with PHP Unit incorporates the phpunit.xml file that is as of now set up for the application.

This gives the most straightforward approach to clients to act locally, mentioning for any application and checking the yield, for example, taking care of the request individually if clients click on the connection.

#4. Artisan

The developer needs to interact in Laravel using a command line that handles the Laravel project environment.

Artisan is one of the built-in tools, that permits the user to perform long programming tasks in no time, creating a structured code and database structure to make it easier to manage the database system.

 #5. Security

All of us know the fact that no application comes with 100% security features as it mostly depends on how the developer builds the web application, but if you compare Laravel with other competitors in the market, it gives the top rating in terms of security.

#6. Scheduling task configuration & Management

Scheduling a task configuration and management will provide you a process of maintaining, developing and communicating schedules for the allocated resource and time.

This requires the sending of emails to automatically clean up the database’s tables on a daily basis at the end of the day, either later or later as a result of cost reduction.

The logic behind this is the “command scheduler” in Laravel that permits a clear and important way to characterize the command schedule inside Laravel, requiring just a single CRON entry on the server.

#7. Prebuilt apps

Let us accept that if something is famous, 99% of the crowd will follow the same path that has happened with applications developed with Laravel. 

Apps with similar characteristics with slight changes all over the place by the customer has been required, so many pre-made apps are readily available on the Laravel website.

This is a positive thing as it reduces the time and cost to build another app with similar features on Laravel.


Everything and anything in the world has its pros and cons that even Laravel does fortunately or unfortunately.

Let me share a few Pros and Cons which I think you should know, and these factors will help you decide if Laravel is your Cup of Tea!!


Pros and Cons of Laravel

Here we will discuss various pros and cons of using Laravel.


Cons and Pros of Laravel in PHP Framework

Cons and Pros of Laravel

Pros of Laravel

If you love PHP, then you will love Laravel which is one of the latest technologies and have the following advantages:

  • The Popularity among the web development community is huge for Laravel, it is one of the best PHP frameworks for website development.
  • Laravel is very easy to learn and its documents are very simple Laravel and PHP screencast has made it very convenient. The documentation of Laravel is very beautiful.
  •  It is an MVC framework. This silly traditional architecture is avoided where developers used to write all HTML and PHP code in a single file.
  • Expressive ORM Support – Another service given to automate dynamic and model lumps. Database mapping and connection with our application with a simple conference for the configuration.
  • We need to mention the ease of development here, be it authentication, sending emails, or scheduling tasks, I think Taylor was thinking very forehand about these. All you need to do is just one command and its preparation to add significant functionality to Laravel!
  • Laravel provides a good programming practice, exposing you to truly object-oriented programming design in PHP. For all those who specialize in WordPress or CodeIgniter, it gives them first-hand experience with things like facades, factories, traits and more, helping you learn more easily.
  • The Laravel community is immense, every developer who has not started using Laravel starts moving to another framework, maybe some must go to Symphony! But still, many developers do not seem to exceed the architecture of Laravel. Which means that the Laravel community is huge, finding a fellow developer will not be difficult, meaning that help will come quickly!


Cons of Laravel

  • It is lighter so it has less inbuilt assistance contrasted with Rail and Django. Even so, this issue can be resolved by incorporating third-party tools, but when it comes to big and custom sites it may be a difficult task.
  • The main files of Laravel’s are all in the Laravel namespace and not all main files utilize the namespace slash (a\) before a call to some other main file, which makes a few classes somewhat complex. This is certainly not a major issue and one, only one out of every odd designer should worry.
  •  Laravel is slower than many other frameworks, as there are a variety of features that come as built-in, yes Laravel is slow. Slower than CodeIgniter and slower than its own smaller version of Lumen. And it doesn’t come anywhere close to Falcon’s speed.
  • Frankly, it’s really bad for real-time web applications, it’s not about Laravel, but none of the PHP frameworks are suited for real-time communication, and there are much better alternatives such as Node, Go, Erlang, etc. Much better for web application development.
  • As I mentioned earlier, it is PHP that is at fault, it is one of the poorly designed languages, and it is also slower than its compiled counterparts. So, if these things matter to you, then Laravel would not be a great option.


Let’s now discuss some of the popular websites made with Laravel.

Popular websites made with Laravel

Did you know that as per the Google Trend survey report, Laravel is still the most powerful PHP Framework?

Here are some of the beautiful websites made with Laravel courses and will give you inspiration for your next website development. is one of the renowned websites to educate developers, to give them a new experience to build master Laravel and to easily write PHP code for small enterprise-level web applications.


Laracasts is made on Laravel

It is supported by the founder of the Laravel community. A user can subscribe to the website and learn it from beginning to the expert level course and share their views. In you can post technical queries and experts will help you solve the problem.

Check out the website of  Larcast for more...

Alison is an education management system, where you can select for different free online training courses Medical, IT, Language and Marketing with course certification.


Alison is made on Laravel

It is turning out to be well known because of their vision-” We believe that through education, everyone has the power to change their lives, and ultimately to the world, to be free to better knowledge “. There are more than 10M students today across 195 nations.

Check out the website of  Alison for more...

American news channel FOX 47 News is an official news website of FOX-affiliated television station WSTRN-TV covering news, sports, weather and traffic for the Wisconsin Capital Territory.



Fox47 is built on Laravel

Check out the website of fox47 for more…

Alpha coders add content makers and fans to team up with some revenue-making opportunities. You can discover fascinating craftsmanship, pictures, symbols and so forth as content in Alphacoders.

Alpha Coders

Alpha Coders is made on LaravelBecause of the corporate model of the portal, it is at present the most well-known worldwide and is receiving huge traffic around the world.

Check out the website of Alphacoders for more… is a complex corporate website created with the Laravel of Invicta Watch Group (first found in Switzerland in 1837), a well-known American watch company.


Invicta watch is built on Laravel

The website also has e-commerce features such as pictures, videos, and descriptions along with an online product catalog.

Check out the website of Invictawatch for more...

Laravel Vapor

Laravel Vapor is a new platform and has a serverless deployment and is also AWS powered. With Laravel Vapor, you can see on-demand web applications and workers scale and that also within a few seconds.

  • Caches

With its auto-scaling features, you can just sit back and relax while Laravel Vapor will speed up everything for you by scaling the cache.

  • Databases

Vapor is not just about deployments. Make, scale, manage and even reestablish your conventional and serverless databases directly from Vapor’s in-built dashboard.


How big is the Laravel community?

Laravel has a magnificent network or community. Talented designers with long periods of experience add to the discussions and give their opportunity to help other people in the IRC channel.

They are both incredible places to get to know Laravel and extraordinary places in a case that you get stuck.

A significant part of being a software professional is presenting yourself as great answers for whatever number issues as could reasonably be expected.

The main way this can be accomplished properly is by joining a network. By routinely examining the discussions and taking an interest in an IRC channel, you are presented with numerous new thoughts that you can consider individually.



I hope I was able to make you understand all the core features and benefits of Laravel in this article. The above highlights of the Laravel PHP framework explain to us clearly why it has increased widespread popularity among designers.

In this way, in a case that you have not used the Laravel PHP Framework, attempt it, as it will save you an important measure of time and exertion.

It can be concluded that Laravel is an incredible framework for building web applications. There are many reasons, yet it is an emphasis on simplicity that I like the most.

Taylor Otwell, the maker, says ” Laravel is a very powerful contender in the PHP framework, as it contains the features needed to build present generation web applications”.


Requirements for Laravel

The web server environment is required by Laravel. Laravel will easily run in IIS, Nginx, and Apache. Any server environment which supports PHP can run Laravel.

You need to install XAMPP for Windows, MAMP for Mac OS and Apache with PHP 5 on Linux.

Download Laravel Now:


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Laravel PHP?

Created by Tayor Otwell, Laraval is an open-source PHP web framework that is particularly known for developing highly-functional web applications built with MVC pattern.

2. What is Laravel web development?

Being an open-source PHP based development framework, Laravel provides easy to use and robust development structure to all types of web projects. Also, Laravel is built with an excellent code foundation that helps web developers carry out superior web development. Web development with Laravel is all about facilitating websites and web application owners with quality and flawless solutions.

3. What are the advantages of Laravel?

Apart from its free accessibility and robust code foundation, Laravel has also gained accreditation for building authentication and authorization systems, integration with other tools to make web applications faster, configuration error and exception handling tasks, integration with mail services and many other important tasks.

4. How is Laravel different from other frameworks?

Every framework is different in terms of its operational and functional capabilities. Comparing Laravel with any other framework doesn’t worth it as all the frameworks are making the best out of their development potential.

Let’s take an instance of Symfony and Laravel. Where Symfony is the framework for managing complex applications, Laravel is an excellent source for developing dynamic web applications. The major difference between both is about their template engines where Laravel has its own templates engine and Symfony uses Twig.

5. Is Laravel good for big projects?

Big projects often demand complex features and functionality integration that eventually consumes much time and effort. You can unhesitatingly utilize Laravel for such projects but make sure that you’re using the best development practices so that the project’s quality doesn’t hamper.

6. Why Laravel is the best framework?

MVC structure in Laravel ensures optimum clarity between logic and presentation which makes the framework a prior choice for developers. Other reasons that make the best web application development framework include light-weight templates, built-in tools, lean development and many more.

7. Is Laravel a CMS?

No, Laravel is not a CMS rather it’s a framework that provides developers a well-organized and robust way to develop quality web applications.

8. Which is better, Laravel or Django?

Laravel framework is based on PHP which is in high demand all across the market. On the other hand, Django is a programming language based on Python which comparatively faster development results. Laravel PHP framework contains a myriad of features and in-built libraries and Django is famous for different advanced built-tools like SEO, decorators, third-party libraries, etc.

Both play a significant role in making a web application worth using but if you’re up for a cost-effective and less complicated web project, Laravel would be a great move.

9. What can I build with Laravel?

If you’re looking for the best and the most demanded PHP framework to build awesome websites and web applications, Laravel is the first name on the list. Developers and web development companies using Laravel as their ideal web development platform as it helped them deliver the best quality projects to their clients as per their defined needs and budget.

A few known projects in the account of Laravel:

  • MyRank
  • Deltanet Travel
  • WorldWalking
  • Mack Hackins
  • Rocket Rubbers, etc.

10. Why should I use Laravel?

Laravel is primarily used for building dynamic web applications that are rich in features and functionalities. Apart from this, the framework is good enough to handle tasks like routing, authentication, caching and session. Being admired as a superhero among developers, the platform is also trending on social media for the security features that further makes it an ideal choice for all types of users.

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