
Custom Web Applications

A dynamic change in market state, progression in technology or change in preference, all of these can potentially render your application to sink or swim.

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A dynamic change in market state, progression in technology or change in preference, all of these can potentially render your application to sink or swim. Sometimes, changes in online environment may demand new application that can streamline business processes. At New Media Guru (NMG), we help our patrons to migrate existing application to new technologies and platforms. We offer custom web application development services for projects knowing that each business has its own unique requirements and needs ideal solutions too.

Having expertise in escalating business system efficiency, migration, porting, reengineering, audit and testing, we give unparalleled application services projects of diverse sizes and/or intricacies. With our exceptional support, new services can be ruled out effectively, besides a potential reduction in miscellaneous costs associated with the creation of new applications.

Knowledge and innovation continue to be the great driving forces for online business. And we understand this ‘core’ need of the ever-changing market. While the New Media Guru (NMG) team’s strong understanding of the website application development helps to devise extensive ways for application development with an eye for details.

We bring to you expertise & experience in developing premium Web applications to meet your industry requirements. For effective project management of website application development, our web application development methodology covers the following steps:

  • Project Analysis
  • Project Planning
  • Project Execution
  • Project Management
  • Developing Application
  • Project Life Duration
  • Change Control
  • Software Engineering
  • Testing Application

We, at New Media Guru (NMG) are not just a team of experts, but we are a team that is passionate about devising new web applications, which makes us your best partner.

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