“[Mohit’s] webinar gave us great guidance on how to go about getting links. The visuals were really helpful and gave us a good idea on how to think like an SEO. We happened to have a career day at school one week after listening to the webinar and were excited because there was a journalist there and we felt we could relate to him because of the webinar. Making parallels with the magazine industry really helped to paint a picture for us.“– Onadi, Narciso & Shamiek
Not even a year back, Mr. Mohit Maheshwari, Managing Director at New Media Guru, hosted a workshop and webinar in October, 2013, highlighting Digital Marketing Strategies for SMBs & Startups. The workshop, covered practical steps which Startups and Small Medium Businesses (SMBs) can use for developing and executing Digital Marketing campaigns.
A number of core techniques and tools, which enable quick, go to market strategies were discussed in detail in the webinar, developed and delivered by Mohit. The attendees were given over 25+ strong, actionable digital marketing ideas on which they can start work right away.
The “Digital Marketing Strategies for SMBs & Startups ” webinar holds information on:
-How to build your Digital strategy -How to construct your customer persona -How to build and grow your website, social traffic -How to continuously attract traffic to your website, social platforms using SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, -Video marketing, Blog Marketing, Outreach campaigns & Digital PR -How to set up, track and manage your online reputation -Tools for tracking
Mohit revealed the secret sauce and that helped NMG acquire 6000+ views on slideshare and youtube through the webinar. Recently, this webinar became a part of a workshop in NYC to educate and impart knowledge to a group of students by Revision Ventures.
The Program: Revision Ventures stimulates thriving local economies in which underutilized young people, small businesses, and community residents foster prosperity in one another and work together to close the wealth gap.
Revision Ventures trains and directly employs an underutilized pool of young people to generate online awareness and support for local businesses via Internet marketing.
Small businesses get access to reduced rate Internet marketing services so they can find and encourage more customers in the community to shop small and locally.
Community members give small loans to a portfolio of businesses within their zip code. Loans are used for online marketing services to ensure a healthy social and financial ROI when local businesses prosper.
The venture owner and program head, Cecilia, approached Mohit to be a part of the program as a Guest mentor and congratulated New Media Guru for a great work.
The Approach: In order to reach out to a bigger pool of people, Cecilia, the venture owner and program head, on the behalf of Revision is taking a community development approach. She says, “The reason I’d like to talk to some individuals who dropped out of high school and then went on to become successful marketers or digital marketers is that I’d like to have some guest speakers or webinars for the participants of the pilot program. I’d like them to hear stories from people who were in similar situations and went on to use the digital marketing space to their advantage.”
The student participants of the workshop were really satisfied with the digital marketing tactics and tools shared and found the webinar to be very helpful in understanding Digital Marketing , Content marketing , SEO, Link building techniques and Social media marketing techniques which can help SMBs.
[Mohit's] webinar gave us great guidance on how to go about getting links.
The visuals were really helpful and gave us a good idea on how to think like an SEO.
We happened to have a career day at school one week after listening to the
Webinar and were excited because there was a journalist there and we felt we could
relate to him because of the webinar.Making parallels with the magazine
industry really helped to paint a picture for us." - Onadi, Narciso & Shamiek
Post the workshop, a feedback and Q&A session was arranged. The students had many queries and Mohit answered those for the students with a promise to help in future on more queries if they should arise.
It's a time for small business owners to think about new marketing tips. Follow these marketing tips that could make the difference for your small...
Mar 25, 2015
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